Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The begining...

After reading blogs written by many other moms, I have decided to write one myself. It took alot of thought to decide to do this, but I think I can. My main reason for this blog is to share my knowledge of things in my life and the lifestyle that I like to live. I'm not your average mother. One (1) Im a single mom to an amazing little boy. Two (2) im not earthy crunchy but I really wish to be. Three (3) I can never keep to one thing too long so I am hoping that I can keep this up.  Four (4) I'm in recovery and don't preach it but I'm trying to live it so my post may lean into that. Five (5) I have an eating disorder which i deal with everyday. Six (6) I work part time as a Nurse.

This is not going ot be a professional blog but its the story of our life, so that our family and friend's can follow what we do and how as a mommy I feel. I may put periods where they don't belong and forget comma's, capitalize letters that should not be and have many open spaces but this is MY place to share what I feel and how my son is doing and to document his milestones and the little things that he does.

So my goal with this blog is to document my life and my son's progress throughout his early childhood. I plan to blog at least once a week and to document what life is like for us. He is currently 5 and 1/2 months old and is the sweetest most cranky thing I know. He is working on his second tooth and is more miserable then a a women that on the rag, but we deal with that with lots of cuddles and mommy and baby time.   

This is the begining to the Blog for my Baby Boy L.

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