Thursday, January 10, 2013

THe Nasty Little BUG

NO NO I am not talking about Ants or Cockroaches. Nope... I'm talking about the dreaded FLU!!!

It has hit our state hard this year. I mean we are only 10 days into this year but we have already declared a state of emergency.

You are sick do you really care if it is the flu or just a cold. UNLESS you are elderly, very young or have some other illness that predisposes you to the worst of the worst IE Cancer and or asthma you shouldn't be in the ER. So in my "professional" opinion I say send them home to keep their grems to themselves!!! THE EMERGENCY ROOM is there for emergencies!!! So unless you are coughing blood have a weak thready pulse or can't breath with the flu or an actual emergency please stay home. The doctors and nurse that work in the ER and in any health care setting DO NOT WANT YOUR GREMS... That being said  I hope that you or anyone else has to deal with the flu. It has been a bad strain this year.

Just to show how bad it is this week Click here.

But on top of the flu the Stomach bug is going around my "neighborhood". Every meal I think Hmm should I really eat that, what's it going to be like if it comes back up. Gross I know but for the past week this is how I have eaten every meal. so today I have had brownies and greber yougurt bites... Humm that should be very techni-color. OH well I just pray that I don't get or Litte L. Actaully I pray that I get it and little L doesn't if it has to be in this house at all. WAIT no Second thought I'm just going to become a hermit and not let anyone in or anyone out of my house until all these germs die... Guess I better call work and tell them now I'm never coming in again. Ha ha No.

But I'm hoping for a very healthy rest of the winter until we can get outside and open the window and "air" out.

Just a little P.S.A. you don't need ANTIBIOTIC's for the FLU!!! its a virus if anything you need Antivirals. Just to let all you people that DEMAND your damn antibiotics know...

Just to help everyone out I would like to leave you with a few tips about how to stay healthy

1. WASH YOUR HANDS. for 30 or more seconds with warm soapy water!! HAS TO BE 30 SECONDS OR MORE sing to yourself make it fun.. doo doo dotie do. Click here for more information on hand washing.

2. Stay home. Sounds easy enough  but Suzy Q down the street just wants to have a glass of wine. Next thing you know the whole neighborhood has the norovirus. Should have stayed home and drank the bottle by yourself.

3. Don't take care of sick people. Unless they are your children then your screwed. But in all seriousness dont offer to bring your mom chick soup or your neighbors brownies, yes that nice and all but when YOU fall ill whos going to bring you anything. NOT them they don't want that shit back.

4. Clean and disinfect every surface. This means the couch that has your body print in it from laying there so long. Steam clean everything that could can't put in the washer, and bleach everything that has a hard surface. Take Lysol ® on a date and kinda marry her.

5. Wash all laundy and stuffed animals and bedding in super hot water Kill all those bugs.. I mean germs.

Hopefully with this little bit of information your house will stay healthy though out this years "epidemic"

This in no way is substiturte for actual health information Disclaimer Contact your doctor or health care professional for any questions on ANY illness.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A day on the life

I've been through alot this week. We had our first court proceding It went really well. Well I should say it went Really well for me. I got exactly what I wanted. So I'm estatic! 

But in other news little L has started on "Solid" solid food tonight!!! It was those pintrest yougurt bites that I made kinda like the gerber graduates.  I was very excited, I have given him tastes of everything I eat but tonight he chewed and swallowed.  Finally!    He has learned to Chew.   I'm so proud of this little guy. I'll update with photo's at the end of the week.    

Today we also started out GREENER year journey...  We finished prepping all of little L's cloth diapers. He had a couple of alva's that we have been using this "sposie's" but i think buy little L's first birthday we will be full time cloth!

My dad has always been about being greener and living off the land, but I had been so caught up in being the "cool" kid and having the latest and greatest of everything (which in some cases ment spending $190 on jeans or a shirt) which I still have and have worn maybe 3 or 4 times before I got pregnant.   Anyone what to purchased them it maybe a while before I can fit in them again.. So this year I have made the conscience effort the live greener, with eating from our SUMMER garden, taking better care of out free range chickens and their eggs, and RECYCLEing which in the past 4 years I have been getting much better at.  I recycle everything I can these days. I just want to make the world a better place for little L when he grows up. Who knows what CRISIS that this new generation will run into, so I want to make the world just a little bit of a better place. 

Becoming Greener is the "cool" thing to do and even if it wasn't I'd still want to do it. this year and about the better me and better team that me and L have going on!!!  I cant wait to see what 2013 has to offer because if it was anything like 2012 it will be one amazing year as well.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


What to expect and not expect from this blog


1. For me to write how I feel about who ever and what ever I want
2. To document my son life
3. To help record everything
4. To write about my life style and how I wish to change it
5. To document my changes in my life
6. Me getting my feelings out
7. A blog post every week
8. Me to write like ME!!!
9. Worshiping the ground my son crawls on.

What not to expect....

1. Lovey dovey shit
2. Lies and bullshit
3. Covering up hurt feelings
4. Me not bubbling over about the tiniest things my son does, this blog is for him

So sign on or sign out this is going to be the truth that most of you don't want to hear. But if anything every happens to me Please Please Please let my son have this.

little L 2 months old.
~Tania M

The begining...

After reading blogs written by many other moms, I have decided to write one myself. It took alot of thought to decide to do this, but I think I can. My main reason for this blog is to share my knowledge of things in my life and the lifestyle that I like to live. I'm not your average mother. One (1) Im a single mom to an amazing little boy. Two (2) im not earthy crunchy but I really wish to be. Three (3) I can never keep to one thing too long so I am hoping that I can keep this up.  Four (4) I'm in recovery and don't preach it but I'm trying to live it so my post may lean into that. Five (5) I have an eating disorder which i deal with everyday. Six (6) I work part time as a Nurse.

This is not going ot be a professional blog but its the story of our life, so that our family and friend's can follow what we do and how as a mommy I feel. I may put periods where they don't belong and forget comma's, capitalize letters that should not be and have many open spaces but this is MY place to share what I feel and how my son is doing and to document his milestones and the little things that he does.

So my goal with this blog is to document my life and my son's progress throughout his early childhood. I plan to blog at least once a week and to document what life is like for us. He is currently 5 and 1/2 months old and is the sweetest most cranky thing I know. He is working on his second tooth and is more miserable then a a women that on the rag, but we deal with that with lots of cuddles and mommy and baby time.   

This is the begining to the Blog for my Baby Boy L.